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Dupouy, C., Whiteside, A., Tan, J., Wattelez, G., Murakami, H., Andréoli, R., Lefèvre, J., Röttgers, R., Singh, A., & Frouin, R. (2023). A Review of Ocean Color Algorithms to Detect Trichodesmium Oceanic Blooms and Quantify Chlorophyll Concentration in Shallow Coral Lagoons of South Pacific Archipelagos. Remote Sensing, 15(21), 5194.
Cesar, G. M., Rudorff, N. M., Oliveira, A. L., Valerio, A. M., Chuqui, M. G., Pompeu, M., Gaeta, S. A., Frouin, R., & Kampel, M. (2023). Bio-optical properties of South Brazil Bight coastal waters and implications for satellite chlorophyll- a concentration retrieval. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(7), 2428–2457.
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Dupouy, C., Frouin, R., Tedetti, M., Maillard, M., Rodier, M., Lombard, F., Guidi, L., Picheral, M., Neveux, J., Duhamel, S., Charriere, B., & Sempere, R. (2018). Diazotrophic Trichodesmium impact on UV-Vis radiance and pigment composition in the western tropical South Pacific. Biogeosciences, 15(16), 5249–5269.
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Zhai, P. W., Knobelspiesse, K., Ibrahim, A., Franz, B. A., Hu, Y. X., Gao, M., & Frouin, R. (2017). Water-leaving contribution to polarized radiation field over ocean. Optics Express, 25(16), A689–A708.
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